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Külls, C. (2024, 17.October 14:30-15:00, online) Environmental Tracers and Compartment Modeling - Using Water Quality to Explore Groundwater Flow Systems. Date and Time: 17 October from 14:30-15:30 (German Time). Objective/Goals: Gain knowledge on groundwater flow systems using environmental isotopes and hydrochemical data. The methods are introduced, and the application to aquifer systems in Namibia is presented for case studies in Namibia ( Kuiseb, Grootfontein, Stampriet basin). The seminar is based on research in the Southern African Region (WADE 2004-2008), and applied projects (SEA, phases 1,2 and 3) on the hydrology in the Southern African region. The presentation is coordinarted with the WaMiSAR-HIS partners.

Külls C. & Obeidat M. (2024) Origin and processes of nitrate pollution in North-East Jordan. DFG workshop 18.-19.4. 2024, Lübeck.


Krüger, N. and Külls, C.: Modeling soil moisture variations for direct groundwater recharge estimation in the critical zone, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14754,, 2023.


Külls, C. and Bassukas, D.: Groundwater salinization dynamics - a conceptual modeling approach to prioritize water management plans in a changing environment, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-12667,, 2022.

Külls, C. and Bassukas, D.: Groundwater salinization dynamics - an isotope approach, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-12355,, 2022


Krüger, N., Külls, C., and Kock, M.: Groundwater recharge estimates combining soil isotope profiles and classical soil water monitoring techniques, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9061,, 2021.


Külls, C. (2020) Hydrogeological Modelling of karstic sites and sites with complex geology by using analytical element models (AEM) and compartmental mixing cell models. Joint Conference of the SustainCoast and MEDSAL Prima projects, 28.9. 2020.

Külls, C. (2020) Application of environmental isotopes to the identification of salinization sources and processes. 2nd Joint Meeting of Medsal (online) organized by SWRI, 23.9.-24.9. 2020.

Krüger, N.; Külls, C.; Bruggeman, A.; Eliades, M.; Christophi, C.; Rigas, M. & Eracleous, T.: Groundwater recharge estimates with soil isotope profiles-is there a bias on coarse-grained hillslopes?. In: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts., 2020, S. 9840


Külls C. (2019) Research perspectives for environmental tracers and stable isotope research. Invited talk, June 2019 (to be announced)


Külls, C. (2018) Environmental Isotope Techniques for Water Flow Accounting. ERANET conference, Amman.


Külls, C. (2017): Stable isotopes as indicators and early warning system for landfil pollution. IAHS 10.-14.7.

Külls, C., Bittner A., Kambinda W., Fawzy M. (2017): Integrated Water Management of Ephemeral Streams - A Dynamic Systems Approach. IAHS 10.-14.7.

Ibukun, O. & Külls C. (2017) Freshwater Security of Sub-Saharan Africa. IAHS 10.-14.7.

Külls, C. (2017): Water Security - A new concept for water management: Perspectives for Application in China. Talk given at ZUST in March/April 2017.


Juli 2016: Role of Environmental Engineers in Reaching Sustainable Development Goals – The Way Forward. ICER 2016, Lübeck.

18.1.2016, Fachhochschule Lübeck, Bauforum - im Rahmen der Open Faculty Lectures Water Security in Greater Middle East (and elsewhere)


03.11.2015, Windhoek, Namibia - GIZ Training „Water Accounting Methods“


Külls C. (2014) Advances in isotope techniques for resolving soil water and carbon fluxes. EUROPEAN SOCIETY for SOIL CONSERVATION, Imola (Italy), June, 23-26, 2014. Invited lecture.

Külls, C. et al. (2014) Integrated use of soil physical and water isotope methods for ecohydrological characterization of desertified areas. SSS2.2/BG2.14, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 27 April – 02 May 2014.


Külls C. (2013) The WADE project. European Federation of Geologists. Brussels, 23.11.2013.

Külls C. (2013) 'Leitbild' and indicators of Socio-Environmental Health. Global Risk Forum, Davos, 17.11. - 20.11.2013.

Külls C. & Bittner A. (2013) Passive barriers for long-term containment of Vanadium and Uranium. IMWA, Colorado, August 7-10. 2013 (accepted conf. paper)

Külls C., Bittner A. & Marx V. (2013) Strategic Assessment of Water Resources for the Erongo Uranium Province. IMWA, Colorado, August 7-10. 2013 (acc. conf. paper)

Külls C. (2013) Hydrologic Engineering and Strategic Water Resources Assessment - From Urban Systems to Regional Scale. (Lübeck)

Külls C. (2013) Water Resources Assessment for a National Water Resources Masterplan. Special emphasis on a Flood Protection Strategy. Invited talk to the Cabinet of the Minister of the Environment, Rwanda.

Külls C. (2013) Ecohydrological principles in economic models of water resources in drylands and desert restoration. Vortrag auf der 2. Wissenschaftlichen Tagung der UNCCD in Bonn / Germany. Link to session, abstract and talk on slide-share.

Külls C., Berkovicz S., Costantini E., Geissen V., Kvaerno S., Marton L., Ritsema C. (2013) Eco-hydrological perspective of desert restoration. UNCCD 2nd Scientific Conference 9-12 April 2013., Bonn, Germany; 04/2013. Link to the talk on slide-share.




Külls, C. (2011): Resilience of urban water supply systems to natural hazards and systemic risks EGU General Assembly 2011, 2011; 13: EGU2011-12627 (invited).

Frey S., Külls C. & Schlosser C. (2011) New Hydrological Age Dating Techniques using cosmogenic radionuclides Beryllium-7 and Sodium-22. IAEA-NAWEB Conf. Monacco. link to the slides

Külls C. (2011) Wasser und wachsende urbane Zentren – Wege zu Nachhaltigkeit, guter Wasserqualität und Krisensicherheit. Weltwassertag 2011, Freiburg..




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