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List of Lectures

The study program Water Engineering informs about courses, professors, news and events related to this course for international students. For our lectures e-learning systems have been set up at e-learning for environmental hydrologists. Watch out at the bottom of each teaser text for each lecture.

Bachelor Environmental Engineering

Integrated Water Resources Management

This lecture is given during the summer semester only for students of the course environmental engineering at the applied science department. The lecture introduces hydrology, urban water management, water treatment and open channel hydromechanics. It forms part of the English track for TH Lübeck and international students.

Notes on Integrated Water Resources Management

Engineering Hydrology

Engineering hydrology is an advanced lecture for civil engineers (bachelor) during the summer semester with a focus on hydrology, water, environment and geotechnics. This lecture introduces on hydrological modeling with statistical, conceptual and physical approaches. The lecture is given in English and forms part of the English track for environmental and civil engineers (bachelor). It also conveys the principles of reproducible research with R and markdown.

Water Engineering Master and MAEH

Higher mathematics (1st. sem. WEM)

The course introduces higher mathematics for Water Engineers in four topics. Statistics are presented using the software R and its packages for descriptive statistics, test statistics, extreme value analysis, trend and time series analysis. The second topic covers analysis to optimize functions, approach minima and assess model result. The third topic covers the application of matrices for flow optimization and as a basis for machine learning. Differential equations are introduced for compartment and groundwater modeling.

Notes on Higher mathematics

Simulation and Modeling (I - Groundwater Hydrology, 1st semester WEM)

The master course convers hydrogeology and groundwater hydrology. Aquifer properties and subsurface flow dynamics are introduced. Pumping test analysis for unconfined and confined aquifers and field methods for groundwater studie are demonstrated. The course covers solute transport in groundwater and tracer methods as well as recharge assessment and groundwater discharge characterization. Students will learn to develop a numerical and analytical groundwater models.

Notes on Groundwater Hydrology

Hydrological Engineering

The course introduces principles and methods of sustainable water resources management for the Master Water Engineering. The course includes water resources assessment and the necessary hydrological background on processes and water balances, integrated water resources assessment, flood and drought risk assessment, management and mitigation and planning for environmental hydrology.

Notes on Hydrological Engineering

World of Work (Master)

World of work 1st Lübeck Conference on 9.7. 2024 in Lübeck presenting the student work within the Lecture World of Work. Field trips were organized by professors of the World of Work Seminar and student groups have worked on specific projects of ecohydrology. The course completion also requires a presentation in the final student conference at the end of the summer semester. After review papers will be published in the conference proceedings, for selected contributions a publication in a peer-reviewed journal is envisaged.

Advanced Study Courses

Tracer Hydrology

 Tracer The course on tracer hydrology introduces the principles of the use of tracers in hydrology. Environmental tracers and artificial tracers are presented, methods of applying them for hydrological studies, interpretation and modeling. The lecture is offered as a block course at TU Darmstadt.

Environmental Tracers

 Summer School The course introduces and demonstrates environmental isotope field techniques with sampling, monitoring, analysis and interpretation. Analysis of recharge and solute transport are presented. Course announcements are given on our news page. Participants can access notes of the lecture, slides, links and videos here.

World of Work (Bachelor)

This module will be developed until 2025 for the English track and involves a field trip and a group work on regional hydrology and civil engineering in the region of Lübeck for Bachelor students. Students will participate in a field trip (mandatory) and will work on a topic given by a supervizor of the department of civil engineering (Prof. Dr. Edgar Nehlsen, Prof. Dr. Christoph Külls, Prof. Dr. Wilfert, Dr. Ozgur Kisi or Dr. Kai Wellbrock) and then prepare a talk for a final student conference. Reviewed papers will be published in the proceedings of the conference.

/usr/www/users/uhydro/doku/data/pages/en/lectures/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/23 15:23 by ckuells